How is your drug price determined? Game theory perspective to the pharmaceutical Industry

Who picks the price of a drug? Is it the market, the State, or the manufacturer? Medicines prices vary around the world and are the result of different processes and strategies. Depending upon the structure of the market, the price decision mechanism of drugs can fall under different types of games involving multiple players.
A brief history of health technology assessment: A historical ride and present story by Prof. Egon Jonsson (Webinar Notes & QnA)

ConnectHEOR hosted a webinar on 18th January 2022 by Professor Egon Jonsson on the topic “A brief history of health technology assessment: A historical ride and present story”. This blog captures the key points of the discussion in the webinar.
In times of COVID, let’s take a look at the previous 1918 pandemic

In times of COVID-19, let’s take a look at the 1918 pandemic, and compare that to the current situation. Perhaps, the world is very different now, but the pandemic was deadly then, and is deadly now. Almost two years into the current pandemic, and the world is still battling COVID-19 and the health systems are […]
Is Pharmaceutical innovation pushing HTA in the UK? The Innovative Medicines Fund, UK

Updated on 30th July 2022 The guidelines for Innovative Medicines Fund (IMF) have been issued by NHS on June 6, 2022. The design of the IMF has been largely drawn on the lines of Cancer Drug Funds (CDF). Along with the guidelines, the responses to engagement on proposals for IMF have been released. This update […]
Think of data thieves as smart as Sherlock Holmes! Understanding Statistical Disclosure and Anonymisation

Imagine, you are taking a treatment for disease X, that nobody is aware of except for you and the doctor. In due course, a research agency (owned by the hospital management) collects your private information (regarding your disease and symptoms) assuring you that your information will be safe, confidential and secure with them. However, after […]
Understanding health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) from a non-health economist lens!

Remember the dilemma of Alan Turing from the movie The Imitation Game where to optimize for a war winning strategy he happened to decide on the fate of American soldiers? Sometimes people have to play God as we have to accept the harsh truth of life that “everybody cannot be saved”, unless human species advances […]