Optimal dose and type of physical activity to improve functional capacity and minimise adverse events in acutely hospitalised older adults: A systematic review with dose-response network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Monotreatment With Conventional Antirheumatic Drugs or Glucocorticoids in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis
Burden of elevated lipoprotein(a) among patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascualr disease: evidence from a systematic literature review and feasibility assessment for meta-analysis
Joining the Dots – Linking disconnected networks of evidence using dose-response Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis
HRT and breast cancer – Fast facts. Post-Reproductive Health
Six meta-analyses on treatments for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome in one year and readers are still none the wiser? Methods advice for researchers planning meta-analysis of data from fewer than five trials
Network meta-analysis for comparative effectiveness of treatments for chronic low back pain disorders: systematic review protocol
Methods to Assess Evidence Consistency in Dose-Response Model Based Network Meta-Analysis
Risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy before and after a breast cancer diagnosis
Advancing unanchored simulated treatment comparisons: a novel implementation and simulation study