From Compassion to Cure: Caregiver’s Quality of Life as a Treatment Success Yardstick in Clinical Trials

In the realm of healthcare, there exists a group of unsung heroes whose influence extends far beyond the walls of hospitals and clinics. These everyday champions, known as caregivers, invest not only their time but also their hearts into the well-being of those they support.
Antimicrobial Resistance: A threat to the world! But, how does the UK’s ‘Netflix-style’ payment model appeal to roll out new antimicrobials and combat AMR?

This blog covers the latest developments in the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) space and how the UK’s recently approved ‘Netflix-style’ subscription-based payment model can work as an example to the world to reverse the decline in the antibiotics category.
Is Pharmaceutical innovation pushing HTA in the UK? The Innovative Medicines Fund, UK

Updated on 30th July 2022 The guidelines for Innovative Medicines Fund (IMF) have been issued by NHS on June 6, 2022. The design of the IMF has been largely drawn on the lines of Cancer Drug Funds (CDF). Along with the guidelines, the responses to engagement on proposals for IMF have been released. This update […]